Thursday 11 September 2008

Shiver me timbers!

A while ago I bought some fabulous pirate themed papers with the idea of doing some page layouts of my boys. Like so many things I've never got around to it yet, but it's my nephew's 8th birthday tomorrow & they gave me the inspiration for his card.

Most of the card has been made using my Cricut machine & the Paper Dolls Cartridge, which I've only just started playing with. It's packed with all sorts of additional accessories (more than I thought) & I'd highly recommend it :o)

Monday 8 September 2008

The sun has got its hat on (at last)

Finally the sun came out on Sunday. I'd almost forgotten what it looked like....

We went for a walk to the local playing field to collect brambles for my youngest sons stick
insects... (a fairly recent addition to our household!) only to find the brambles were laden with blackberrys. Never being one to turn down free food! a quick dash home for some suitable containers and 45 minutes later...voila!

Saturday 6 September 2008

It's been a mighty long time...

It's been a mighty long time since I last posted....

What with the school holidays and all, I don't know where the time's gone!

But I'm back to it now, and intend to be far more regular (if you see what I mean!)

Even my baking mojo has illuded me for weeks, but no more....finally, a puff pastry triumph in the kitchen....mojo restored