Thursday 3 January 2013

Getting to grips with crochet

Over the Christmas break I decided I was going to get to grips with crochet. It's something I have wanted to learn for ages. All the different abbreviations had me mystified. Then I happened to be watching a program showing a new DVD by Wendy Poole, 'The Beginners Guide To Crochet'.
I sent for it…..
It works on the principle that you learn by following the tutorial on the DVD with NO written pattern, it's a revelation! Here are my results so far…
Step 1.

Little open flowers (please bear in mind I had never picked up a crochet hook before this!)

Step 2.

Granny square….by now I've got to grips with chains, double crochet & trebles!
I'm starting to get a bit more confident at the point, so I found a pattern on the internet for a layered flower which I loved. How hard can it be I said! It took me 2 nights to fathom out the increasing for just the central yellow circle! but once I had it I was away.

Now to learn straight edges!!

Sue x

Wednesday 2 January 2013

What a Hoot!

My niece asked me if I could make her an owl cushion, similar to one she had seen in a catalogue which had sold out. There were quite a few pieces to lay out and I needed a pattern…..mmmm, what could I use……
baking parchment! It worked a treat

Sue x

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year! & Resolutions!

Over Christmas I was asked if I would be having any New Years resolutions, to which I replied.."have you got an A4 sheet of paper handy!" Okay, so this is a little unrealistic, but if I start small then hopefully some of the rest will follow. So with this in mind…

1. Take more photos..
2. Remember to download them from the card & not keep filling the card up….
3. Use said photos to keep up to date with blog!

This is just the tip of a very large resolution iceberg, all pretty much with a similar solution….sort out the beginning and then the middle and end will follow.

So here goes…..Day 1 of a New Year…..

Some time ago I was commissioned to make a pair of framed dandelion pictures (wet felted) like this one….

I was working on this in the weeks leading up to Christmas.
When you tell people that you start with some wool fibres which you layer up & then add lots of soapy water etc etc, the uneniciated tend to look a little baffled!
So here is one I was working on earlier… in it's 'raw' state

This is in the 'laying out' stage, just wool fibres (Marino & silk in this case) before it starts to get a bit messy and my kitchen turns into something that resembles a Chinese laundry!

Day 2 tomorrow!!

Sue x